Promoting those
who promote business

(Peoria, IL, October 4, 2022) – BizPAC of Central Illinois has endorsed Desi Anderson to be the next Senator for the State of Illinois representing the 46th District.

Desi earned the endorsement after a review process conducted by BizPAC’s all-volunteer Board of Directors comprised of Central Illinois business leaders and owners. BizPAC found Desi to be the most qualified candidate for the important job of representing Central Illinois taxpayers and businesses in Springfield. Desi and her husband are local business owners themselves and are keenly aware of the challenges presented by Illinois’ politics and legislative decisions. Despite these challenges, Desi remains optimistic and committed to making a difference. It’s an optimism that clearly is born of her life experience which is nothing short of heroic.

“I was blown away by Desi’s story when she sat down to meet with us” said Chris Crawford, BizPac President. Desi was an orphan spending her early years in Bulgaria, located in the Eastern Bloc of communist Europe. She was denied an education. Undeterred she taught herself English and excelled as a student. From there she committed herself to the service other others. She taught herself Spanish and worked with the poor in Guatemala. She then served as a Congressional intern in D.C. gaining a better understanding of policy and its impact on citizens.

Desi is committed to Central Illinois along with her husband Nick, a fifth- generation small business owner. Together they have built a life with their son Vano in Central Illinois. Desi understands that Illinois’ heavy handed approach to business has encouraged businesses to leave the state, discouraged others who routinely ask “why are we here” and have given Illinois a declining prosperity while neighbors have thrived.

Chris Crawford states “It’s clear Desi has grit. We need tough representatives to take on the rough, entrenched politics of Illinois. Our board is confident Desi will deliver on this endeavor because she has successfully faced and overcome immense challenges throughout her life. A tough outsider is needed now more than ever to help taxpayers rein in the spending and entrenched interests in Springfield. We find Desi will be the candidate most effective at driving this change compared to a long-time incumbent career politician opponent.”

Desi is going to be an advocate for business, a better life in Illinois and our freedoms. Desi has our admiration and our endorsement.



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